Plants that Cleanse the Air of Their Environment

Most of our life is home, office. We live in closed environments such as schools. In these areas, sometimes it is not possible to ventilate because of the weather conditions outside and sometimes because it is not possible. When this is the case, we have to breathe in many toxic components other than oxygen inside the concrete piles. In addition to these, due to the electronic age, we are also exposed to radiation and many more electromagnetic signals that we do not want. In this case, it negatively affects the health of us humans and the living things we live with. At such times, we should learn about our plants that come to help us and make our air sweat clean, and keeping them in our environments will make us healthy and happy. 

We have listed below the plants that clean the air that NASA has determined by researching for the need for clean air in space studies. It will be our pleasure to read and benefit from it.

1- Aloe Vera

Plants that Cleanse the Air of Their Environment

Alee Vera, which does not only clean the air, is one of the exotic plants used in many cosmetic and health fields due to its benefits. You can feed Aloe Vera, which suits everywhere in terms of location, on the bright side of the coffee table in your room or on your table in your kitchen. They will also make a beautiful appearance on top of small shelves. Aloe Vera allows formaldehyde to be cleaned from your environment.

Detailed information about Aloe Vera care is in our link.

2- Anthurium (Flamingo Flower)

Plants that Cleanse the Air of Their Environment

Anthurium, which is one of the tropical plants that distinguishes itself from many plants with its appearance, cleans ammonia, formaldehyde and xylene in its environment.

Detailed information about Anthurium (Flamingo Flower) care is in our link.

3- Areca Palm

Plants that Cleanse the Air of Their Environment

They are very beautiful decorative plants for their environments. It is in the first place in cleaning toxic toxins. Areca palm cleans benzene, xylene, trichloroethylene, formaldehyde very well as poisonous toxins.

Detailed information about Areca Palm care is in our link.

4- Ribbon Flower

Plants that Cleanse the Air of Their Environment

It is one of the easiest plants to care for and it is a plant that distinguishes itself from other plants in terms of appearance. The ribbon flower cleans formaldehyde and benzene from the air.

Detailed information about ribbon flower care is in our link.

5- Pasha Sword

Plants that Cleanse the Air of Their Environment

Pasha sword likes cooler environments than other plants. It is one of the modest plants that can be content with the least light in your home and office. It is in the group of plants that continuously produce oxygen at night. The pasha sword cleans benzene, xylene, trichloroethylene and formaldehyde as poisonous toxins.

Detailed information about Pasha sword maintenance is on our link.

6- Ladder of Love

Plants that Cleanse the Air of Their Environment

Love ladder is a beautiful decoration plant in hanging pots with the beauty of its name. The toxins it fights are formaldehyde and chylene.

Detailed information about love ladder maintenance is on our link.

7- Hall Ivy

Plants that Cleanse the Air of Their Environment

Living room, also known as wall ivy, is one of the plants that cleans the air very well. It is a great oxygen factory. The toxins that hall ivy clears are formaldehyde and benzene.

Detailed information about salon ivy care is in our link.

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