Coleus Plant Care and Varieties (Plectranthus Scutellarioides)

Coleus Plant Care and Varieties (Plectranthus Scutellarioides)

Coleus Plant Varieties (Plectranthus Scutellarioides)

The fact that coleus, which we are used to seeing most in our homes and offices, has eye-catching leaves and the difference in leaf shapes is the most preferred reason. There are many different color varieties in terms of leaf color and leaf shape.

The Coleus plant contains more than 1000 varieties as a variety. Its homeland is Asia and Africa. While they like airy environments as their living conditions, they never like windy environments. They like cool environments in terms of temperature. The environment it is in should not be below 1 degree Celsius and above 30 degrees Celsius. It is one of the plants that grow fast and care is effortless.

After the Coleus plant reaches a certain size, it will want to bloom. Do not let it bloom, because after it blooms, it will form seeds and remain lifeless and small. If you need seeds, you can let a branch produce seeds.

Coleus Plant Care (Plectranthus Scutellarioides)

1- Coleus Plant Pot Selection

Coleus Plant is one of the plant species that develops according to the size of the pot it is in. When you think it does not fit in the pot it is in, you can transfer it to a large pot. It would be more appropriate to change the pot in the first spring months.

2- Coleus Plant Soil Selection

His favorite soil is natural soils with humus. It does not choose soil, it can grow in any type of soil, but if it is grown in the soil it likes, its leaves will be very showy and large. You can obtain the soil that he/she will love by buying humus soils sold for flowering plants. It should be a well-drained soil that passes water well.

3- Coleus Plant Light Selection

In order for the colors of its leaves to appear, it needs to receive two or three hours of non-scorching sunlight at sunset or sunrise. It should be protected from direct sunlight. At other times, positioning it in a bright position will ensure that the coleus plant will flourish and grow very nicely, making its leaves beautiful. The leaves of the coleus plant will turn green when grown in areas where it does not receive sunlight.

4- Coleus Plant Irrigation

It is not one of the plants that are sensitive about irrigation. It will need watering according to the temperature of the environment and the amount of sunlight it receives. If there is dryness on the top of the soil when you check it with your finger, it's time to water it. Excessive irrigation in shady environments and too wet soil will cause root rot. You can use ready-made liquid fertilizers suitable for flowering plants so that the leaves are large and the colors are more pronounced and their development is beautiful.

5. Coleus Plant Replication

At the beginning of spring, you can cut the newly sprouted branches with a clean sharp scissors or knife and plant them in new pots by soaking them in water and rooting, or you can plant them directly in the soil. It is one of the plants that is easy to root and keep. They do not need any special care.

Since its seeds are fast rooting and growing species, it can also be propagated by greenhouse method by planting seeds. If you want to feed different species in terms of leaf color and shape, you can also reproduce by seed method. A cool and bright environment is necessary for the germination of seeds. Seeds will begin to germinate within 10 days. You should not plant the seeds too often because it will reduce the growth of your plant.

6- Diseases of the Coleus Plant

Coleus plant, like many other plants, aphids and caterpillars are its main enemies. You need to protect your plant carefully from these two diseases. If the soil is more wet than it should be due to the excessive water you will give according to the environment it is in, it can cause root rot.

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